
Section: Dissemination

Scientific Animation

Program Committees, Editorial Boards, and Reviewing Activities

  • Christophe Alias was a member of the steering committee of IMPACT 2013 (International Workshop on Polyhedral Compilation Techniques, Berlin, Germany).

  • Christophe Alias, Alain Darte, and Paul Feautrier were members of the program committees of IMPACT 2013 and IMPACT 2014 (Vienna, Austria).

  • Christophe Alias was member of the program committee of ODES 2013 (i.e., ODES-10, 10th Workshop on Optimizations for DSP and Embedded Systems, Shenzen, China).

  • Fabrice Rastello was member of the program committees of CGO 2014 (International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization, Orlando, Florida) and CRI 2013 (Conférence de Recherche en Informatique, Yaoundé, Cameroun).

  • Alain Darte was member of the program committees of DATE 2013 (Design, Automation, and Test in Europe, Grenoble, France) and DATE 2014 (Dresden, Germany), IPDPS 2013 (International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, Boston, Massachusetts) and IPDPS 2014 (Phoenix, Arizona).

  • Alain Darte was member of the editorial board of IEEE TECS (Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems) until end of 2013.

  • Christophe Alias was a reviewer for the journals JPDC (Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing), MICPRO (Microprocessors and Microsystems), PPL (Parallel Processing Letters), ACM TRETS (Transactions on Reconfigurable Technology and Systems), TSI (Technique et Science Informatique), CDT (IET Computers and Digital Techniques), IPL (Information Processing Letters).

  • Paul Feautrier was a reviewer for ACM TECS, IJPP, IEEE TPDS, ACM TOPLAS, DATE14, IMPACT 2014.

  • Alain Darte was a reviewer for DATE'14, IPDPS'14, IMPACT'14, Parallel Computing, ACM TACO, and ACM TECS.

  • Laure Gonnord was a reviewer for MSR'13, DAC'13 and AMT'13.

Thematic Quarter on Compilation

Compsys is part of the Labex MILYON, which regroups Institut Camille Jordan, and the mathematics and computer science labs of ENS-Lyon. One of its goal is “to strengthen our international relationships, in particular by organizing thematic quarters which will allow world experts of a subject to gather in Lyon and work together in a stimulating environment.” In this context, Alain Darte, helped by Alexandre Isoard and Laetitia Lecot, organized, from April to July 2013, a thematic quarter on compilation techniques (http://labexcompilation.ens-lyon.fr ), with a special focus on the interactions with languages and architectures for high performance computing. This thematic quarter (with a total budget of 100 Keuros), consisted, in addition to the “french compilation days” organized separately in Annecy by Laure Gonnord and Fabrice Rastello (April 4-7, 2013), in three international scientific events organized in Lyon or the vicinity.

  • A spring school on polyhedral code analysis and optimizations (http://labexcompilation.ens-lyon.fr/polyhedral-school ), May 13-17, 2013, in Domaine des Hautannes in St Germain au Mont d'Or, the first international school on the polyhedral model and related optimizations. The school covered scheduling theory, algorithms and modeling with integer sets and relations, abstract interpretation, compilation for distributed platforms, array region analysis, vectorization and SIMD optimizations, through courses given by S. Rajopadhye (Colorado State Univ.), P. Feautrier (Compsys, ENS-Lyon), L.-N. Pouchet (UCLA), S. Verdoolaege (ENS Paris), A. Miné (ENS Paris), U. Bondhugula (IIS Bangalore), A. Darte (Compsys, CNRS), B. Creusillet (Silkan), P. Sadayappan (Ohio State Univ.), N. Vasilache (Reservoir Labs, New York). The school attracted 56 participants, half from France, but also from Germany, the USA, England, Belgium, Spain, China, India, Ireland, and Italy and, interestingly, also from groups that are not familiar with polyhedral optimizations. Roughly half of the participants were PhD students.

  • A dive in languages for high-performance computing (http://labexcompilation.ens-lyon.fr/hpc-languages ), June 29-July 2, 2013 in Résidence Villemanzy in Lyon, organized as a set of long keynotes on CAF (Coarray Fortran), UPC (Unified Parallel C), X10, Chapel, OpenACC & OpenHMPP, Liquid Metal, OmpSs, OpenStream, and some DSL approaches. The keynotes were given by a panel of international experts on compilation for high-performance computing: J. Mellor-Crummey and V. Sarkar (Rice), K. Yelick (Berkeley), R. Schreiber (HP Labs), B. Chamberlain (Cray), D. Grove and R. Rabbah (IBM Watson), A. Cohen (Inria, ENS Paris), R. Badia (UPC Barcelona), F. Bodin (Univ. Rennes, previously Caps Entreprise), Y. Orlarey (Grame), K. Knobe (Intel, Massachusets), P. Sadayappan (Ohio State Univ.). This event regrouped 71 participants, including speakers, and, as we hoped, also attracted people from industry, and not only computer industry.

  • CPC'13, the 17th international workshop on compilers for parallel computing (http://labexcompilation.ens-lyon.fr/cpc2013 ), July 3-5, 2013, in Musée Gadagne, in (old) Lyon, a venue that is held every 18 months in Europe since 1989 and that encompasses all areas of parallelism and optimization linked to compilers. The program consisted in 29 talks, from the international community on compilers for HPC (from Japan & Taiwan to the USA, and of course Europe), with 47 participants.

During this compilation thematic quarter, Paul Feautrier and Alain Darte gave the following talks:

  • “Array Dataflow Analysis for Polyhedral X10 Programs” (Paul Feautrier) and “Modèles et algorithmes: comprendre de quoi on parle” (Alain Darte) at the French Compiler Community meeting (April 2-4, 2013),

  • “The Care and Feeding of Polyhedra” (Paul Feautrier) and “Array Contraction with Lattice−Based Memory Allocation” (Alain Darte) at the Spring School on Polyhedral Code Analysis and Optimizations (May 13-17, 2013),

  • “Determinacy Analysis of Polyhedral X10 Programs” (Paul Feautrier), paper with Alain Ketterlin and Eric Violard, at the CPC Workshop (July 3-5, 2013),